the land of coffee dreams
Colombia is a country widely known for its coffee, and for good reason. The third-largest coffee producer in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam, with over 500,000 coffee farmers and more than 2.2 million hectares of land dedicated to coffee production, coffee is a crucial source of income for many communities in Colombia
Colombian coffee has a rich history that dates back to the 18th century, when coffee was first introduced to the country by Jesuit missionaries and over the century, coffee has become an intrinsic part of Colombian culture.
Colombian farmers are also leading the way when it comes to sustainability and environmental practices. In recent years, coffee producers have made significant efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, promote reforestation, and adopt sustainable practices that support the long-term health of the environment and the communities that depend on coffee farming.
Sourcing from Tolima, Cauca, Huila & Nariño

At the heart of Qima Coffee's ethos lies the mission to generate sustainable livelihoods through coffee. Qima Colombia presents an opportunity to roll out and stress test our living income pricing model in one of the world's most progressive coffee origins.
It is a well known fact that whilst the C price is an efficient market mechanism for global coffee pricing, it does not cater for the economics of smallholder farmers. Qima Colombia was established with the aim of developing a robust and transparent pricing mechanism that is centred around equitability.
The Qima pricing mechanism accounts for the numerous and unique variables that affect cost of production and farm profitability such as farm size, household size, yield, variety, cup profile and agronomic performance and uses these variables to arrive at a price that ensures a living income for the household.
This is the first step in a very long journey, and there will no doubt be countless iterations and learnings on the way. We invite all those who seek to build a fairer future for coffee to join us on our journey.
equitability is at the heart of qima colombia.

Why Colombia?
Watch Faris and José talk through the shared values that lead to the foundation on Qima Coffee Colombia